Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management: A Peer Reviewed National Journal, ISSN: 2347-7563 and Sai Om Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology: A Peer Reviewed National Journal (Online ISSN 2347-7547) are monthly scholarly, open access online Refereed journals published by Principal Dr. Sunil Karve, founder editor. The journals publish original research and include but are not limited to issues related to various facets of Commerce and Management like Trade, Transport, Marketing, Finance, Human resources, and various branches of Science, Medical, Nursing, Environment, Engineering & Technology etc. Supply Chain Management, etc. Submissions are anonymously peer-reviewed. It aims to integrate the practices of the professional world with knowledge creation in the relevant academic arena and to ensure speedy dissemination of such research outcomes among the stakeholders. The journal welcomes original articles, reviews of books, professional news, interviews of eminent personalities in academia/corporate etc. relevant to the focus of the journal. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original works that are not under review in any other journals
Aims and Objectives
- To promote the research activities
- To publish conferences/seminars research papers
- To serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, collection, and dissemination of research information on commerce and management.
- To train and encourage researchers for interdisciplinary skills.
- To integrate theoretical research with business and industrial
Why choose SAOMJ
- DOI: Journals allot DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each published article.
- Blind Peer Review Process: The main aim of the blind peer review process is to maintain the quality of the published article.
- Quick Publication Process: The publication process generally takes only 10-12 days for an article publication.
- Subject Specific Journal: Sai Om Journals are fully devoted to the subjects related to its domain.
- Online easy publication: Journals publish papers online
- Certificates: Journals provide the soft copies of Certificates to all author/s free of Cost.
Quick Reply of any query: Anybody can get answers of their queries within 24 hours by mailing at [email protected]